


The Well


One of my favorite photographs! I added my poem, "Nature."

Premier Souffle

From carefully sculpted and fine formed clay.
The creator made Adam in his image one day.
Yet Adam was lifeless as lifeless as death


The mind's the temple the body's its creation.
Without its electric impulses we would have never tasted sensation.
From the first spark which started at conception


My spines bent marred and serrated
as weak as my soul.
My lungs seek atoms fine particles which comprise the all.
Spawned to merely attach and detach eternally.


Oh seek ye a higher plane.
Seek ye joy and jubilation.
Lavish in dreams long since past buried neath thy brow.

Lamentation Of Something Special

There's four simple letters that torment our life.
They can take you from happiness to pain and strife.
L.O.S.S is a simple word to look at and see

Interpreting Wonderland


Which side of the pillow do we truly exist?

Isn’t each side an illusion with pains to persist?

Your dreams could be a heaven for another to find.


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